
All about amber: Secrets of an ancient perfume

All about amber: Secrets of an ancient perfume

The rich, complex fragrance of amber is a favorite for meditation and love magick. Amber is available as an incense, perfume oil, and solid resin. But what is amber anyway?...

All about amber: Secrets of an ancient perfume

The rich, complex fragrance of amber is a favorite for meditation and love magick. Amber is available as an incense, perfume oil, and solid resin. But what is amber anyway?...

Making peace with plastic: Thoughts on (perhaps) the least magickal stuff on Earth

Making peace with plastic: Thoughts on (perhaps...

I have an old photo of my little sister and me at home, playing witches. I’m about six years old in the picture. My sister is wearing a diaper and...

Making peace with plastic: Thoughts on (perhaps...

I have an old photo of my little sister and me at home, playing witches. I’m about six years old in the picture. My sister is wearing a diaper and...

Rare occult herbs: Dittany of Crete

Rare occult herbs: Dittany of Crete

Dittany of Crete is a Mediterranean herb closely related to Marjoram and Oregano. But Dittany is not the kind of green stuff you put on roast chicken. Oh no. Its...

Rare occult herbs: Dittany of Crete

Dittany of Crete is a Mediterranean herb closely related to Marjoram and Oregano. But Dittany is not the kind of green stuff you put on roast chicken. Oh no. Its...

Pagan Pride Day roundup: All the 2017 events in one place

Pagan Pride Day roundup: All the 2017 events in...

Summer is coming, and that means plans for Pagan Pride 2017 are underway. As you probably know, Pagan Pride Day isn’t just one day—it’s an entire season stretching from August...

Pagan Pride Day roundup: All the 2017 events in...

Summer is coming, and that means plans for Pagan Pride 2017 are underway. As you probably know, Pagan Pride Day isn’t just one day—it’s an entire season stretching from August...

Collecting out-of-print Tarot decks

Collecting out-of-print Tarot decks

Every Tarot collector wants that one deck. The 1980s deck that you first learned to read with (and haven’t seen since). The indie Kickstarter deck you should have bought when...

Collecting out-of-print Tarot decks

Every Tarot collector wants that one deck. The 1980s deck that you first learned to read with (and haven’t seen since). The indie Kickstarter deck you should have bought when...

White magick, black magick: What’s the difference?

White magick, black magick: What’s the difference?

“I’m a white Witch. He practices black magick.” If you spend enough time in witchy company, you’re sure to come across some discussion of shades and tints of magick. But...

White magick, black magick: What’s the difference?

“I’m a white Witch. He practices black magick.” If you spend enough time in witchy company, you’re sure to come across some discussion of shades and tints of magick. But...