Questions? Please drop us a line at We'll respond to order and product inquiries within 1-2 business days. If your question is about an existing order, please include the order number or buyer name to help us serve you faster.
Due to the large volume of emails we receive, we are not able to respond individually to general questions about spellwork, or to provide metaphysical advice. Please check out our free articles for lots of helpful information.
Our mailing address for returns and correspondence is:
Grove and Grotto
PO Box 704071
Dallas, TX 75370
Feeling social? Come visit us on Facebook! We post occasionally with new products, community events, and store updates.

Our Pinterest boards showcase the best witchy products, art, and photography from around the web. Check 'em out here:
Grove and Grotto started out by vending at fairs and festivals across Texas. In recent years--due to the pandemic (boo) and our high online order volume (yay!)--we've cut way back on in-person sales. We still make time for a couple of very special events per year, so check our website and social media for news about those.

Past events:
3/4/2023 - Austin Witchfest 2023
4/13-4/16/2023 - Spirit Haven Beltane: Spark of Spring (Central Texas)
10/19-10/22/2023 - Spirit Haven Samhain (Central Texas)
10/13/2022-10/16/2022 - Spirit Haven Samhain: The Midnight Carnival (Central Texas)
3/5/2022 - Austin Witchfest
4/21/2022-4/24/2022 - Council of Magickal Arts Beltane 2022 (Central Texas)
11/2021 - Austin Pagan Pride Day
10/14/2021-10/17/2021 - Council of Magickal Arts Samhain 2021 (Central Texas)
7/10/2021 - Holistic Festival of Life and Wellness (Plano)
3/7/2020 - Austin Witchfest
11/23/2019 - Holistic Festival of Life and Wellness (Plano)
11/16/2019 - Austin Pagan Pride Day
11/2/2019 - Cosmic Yogi Festival (Addison)
10/17/2019-10/20/2019 - Council of Magickal Arts Samhain 2019 (Central Texas)
9/28/2019 - DFW Pagan Unity Fest (Arlington)
9/14/2019-9/15/2019 - Spooky Spectacle (Fort Worth)
6/1/2019 - Holistic Festival of Life and Wellness (Plano)
4/18-4/21/2019 - Council of Magickal Arts Beltane 2019 (Central Texas)
4/6-4/7/2019 - Wellness Expo (Addison)
12/2/2018 - Holistic Festival of Life and Wellness (Plano)
11/11/2018 - Austin Pagan Pride Day
10/18-10/21/2018 - Council of Magickal Arts Samhain 2018 (Central Texas)
10/13-10/14/2018 - Wellness Expo (Addison)
10/6/2018 - Houston Pagan Pride Day
9/29-9/30/2018 - Granbury Paranormal Expo
9/21-9/23/2018 - Witchstock 24 (East Texas)
6/24/2018 - Holistic Festival of Life (Plano)
5/19/2018 - DFW Pagan Unity Fest (Arlington)
4/19-4/22 - Council of Magickal Arts Beltane 2018 (Central Texas)
4/28-4/29/2018 - Wellness Expo (Addison)
12/3/2017 - Holistic Festival of Life (Plano)
10/19-10/22/2017 - Council of Magickal Arts Samhain 2017 (Central Texas)
10/14-10/15/2017 - Wellness Expo (Addison)
9/30-10/1/2017 - Granbury Paranormal Expo
9/22-9/24/2017 - Witchstock 23 (East Texas)
6/25/2017 - Holistic Festival of Life (Plano)
6/10/2017 - Dallas Yoga Magazine Meet and Greet (Carrollton)
5/20/2017 - DFW Pagan Unity Fest (Arlington)
4/20-4/23/2017 - Council of Magickal Arts Beltane 2017 (Central Texas)
4/15-4/16/2017 - Wellness Expo (Addison)
12/4/2016 - Holistic Festival of Life and Wellness (Plano)
11/19/2016 - Austin Pagan Pride Day
11/11-11/13/2016 - Steampunk November (Mansfield)
10/20-10/23/2016 - Council of Magickal Arts Samhain 2016 (Central Texas)
10/15-10/16/2016 - Wellness Expo (Addison)
10/1/2016 - Granbury Paranormal Expo
9/23-9/25/2016 - Witchstock 22 (East Texas)
8/20/2016 - Houston Pagan Pride
6/26/2016 - Holistic Festival of Life and Wellness (Plano)
5/21/2016 - DFW Pagan Unity Fest (Arlington)
4/14-4/17/2016 - Council of Magickal Arts Beltane 2016 (Central Texas)
12/6/15 - Holistic Festival of Life and Wellness (Plano)
11/14/15 - Austin Pagan Pride Day
10/17-10/18/2015 - Wellness Expo (Addison)
9/25-9/27/2015 - Witchstock 21 (East Texas)
9/5/2015 - DFW Pagan Unity Fest (Arlington)
7/28/2015 - Supernatural Expo (Lewisville)
(Various Dates) Dallas Psychic Fair
9/26-9/29/2014 - Witchstock 20 (East Texas)
Sell to Us
Are you an artisan, wholesaler or manufacturer? We're open to buying quality Pagan and Faery-themed products to stock our shelves. We purchase all of our merchandise outright and pay you cash—no consignment or terms. Suppliers please send pictures, pricing, and minimum order quantity to
We're especially eager for the following items: Blank journals, ceramics, US-made metal and leather items, wands (wood, crystal, or pewter), independently published Tarot, bells and brassware, unusual magickal stuff. Not buying at this time: Greeting cards, soaps or apothecary items. Let's talk!
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