The salt of the Himalayas has a marvelous reputation for both magickal and culinary uses. It gets its rosy pink color from small amounts of naturally occurring minerals. In spellwork, pink salt is used for purification, self-love, and connecting with the Earth.
A versatile ingredient for cleansing and banishing, salt belongs on every magickal altar and herb cabinet! Here are just a few common metaphysical uses for salt:
Bless a home or ritual space. Add a few grains to a protection charm, mojo bag or spell bottle. Cleanse and consecrate altar tools. Use on an altar to represent the element of Earth. Dissolve in water to make a cleansing bath for crystals or scrying mirrors. Touch or taste salt after trance/energy work to help ground yourself. Combine with herbs and/or oils to make custom bath salts for any magickal purpose.
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