Let the light, ringing sound of this miniature bell clear the air of your sacred space. One of the most traditional tools on the Witch's altar, bells are used for signaling the start and end of a ritual or meditation, for energetic clearing, and for celebrations.
About the Bell For thousands of years, people have believed that the ringing of bells (especially church bells) had the power to drive away evil spirits. And it’s true that the ringing of a bell causes sound vibrations that have great power. A bell with a lovely tone commands the attention and draws beautiful, healing energy to the listener.
Bells may be used to rid a space of negative energy, to aid in meditation and trance states, or to focus the attention of a magickal circle. Perhaps because its shape mirrors the feminine symbol of the chalice, the bell is sometimes used in Wiccan practice to invoke the Goddess.
Care: Clean with a soft cloth and brass polish, or any cleaner that’s safe for brass surfaces.
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